Benefits of Blueberries and Acai Berries: How These Fruits Benefit the Human Body


Blueberries and acai berries contain many compounds that have health benefits for humans, and are also delicious to eat.

Many fruits and vegetables contain high levels of compounds that are beneficial to the human diet. These compounds can do many things for the body, including repairing muscle damage, preventing various diseases, or increasing absorption of other vitamins and minerals.

Some of these fruits, known as “superfruits,” have extremely high levels of various antioxidants and other compounds that serve various functions within the body, can improve health, and become a tasty addition to anyone’s diet.

Health Benefits of Blueberries

According to the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council, blueberries are one of the most potent superfruits available. One cup of blueberries contains about 14 milligrams of vitamin C and about 0.8 milligrams of vitamin E. Blueberries also contain compounds that can act as antioxidants, which prevent free radicals from damaging cells in the body.

Blueberries also help in aiding the fight against aging. According to studies conducted by the USDA Human Nutrition Research Center, blueberries contain anthocyanin, a compound that helps slow or prevent diminished mental capacity due to age.

Health Benefits of Acai Berries

According to the Mayo Clinic, research on the benefits of acai berries is limited. However, these berries are rich in heart-healthy fats, antioxidants, and fiber. Acai is often paired with other fruits and berries, such as red raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, and pomegranates to increase flavor and health benefits.

How to Eat Blueberries and Acai Berries

As with most fruits and vegetables, blueberries and acai berries are most beneficial when eaten raw. Cooking, freezing, canning, or preserving fruits and vegetables can break down some nutritional compounds while adding sugar and other preservatives.

Blueberries can easily be cleaned and eaten with whole grain cereal, other fresh fruit, or by themselves. They can also be used to top desserts or as an ingredient in other dishes, such as pancakes. Blueberries do not rot as easily as other fruits do, but they do spoil. Their juice can also cause stains on fabrics and other pourous surfaces.

Usually acai berries are imported from South America, where they are harvested, and spoil too quickly to be distributed widely throughout the world. Instead, acai berries can be found in juices, juice cocktails, and mixed in other foods such as flavored applesauce. For those interested in cleansing acai products, a doctor should be consulted before determining the validity and usefulness of the product.

Blueberries and acai berries have numerous health benefits, and can be a tasty snack alternative to less healthy foods. Just like many other superfruits, these foods can have mutliple benefits to the human body when consumed regularly and responsibly.


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