How Many Grams in a Pound?


When talking about pounds to grams, one might automatically imagine the meat section of a grocery shop since this is where this conversion is mostly found. But grams and pounds are versatile units of measurement and they can be used at simply any ingredient whose weight needs to be known.

The key to knowing how many grams in a pound is lies on the conversion value in which the gram should be multiplied to. In this case, we follow the customary conversion value of pounds to grams. Thus, we follow this conversion one pound is equivalent to 453.59 grams.


What is a Pound?

There are two types of pound generally used in the world today: the Troy pound of the UK and the avoirdupois pound of the US. As a unit of measurement, pound is used to measure mass and is expressed in the abbreviation lb. Since it measures mass, it is found traditionally in weighing grains in agricultural societies, metals in medieval Europe and meat in everyday setting.

Since there are two types of pounds usually used in the world today, we need to know how many grams are in one Troy pound and in one avoirdupois pound. According to Metric Conversions, one Troy pound is equivalent to 373.24 grams while one avoirdupois pound is equivalent to 453.59 grams.

1 Troy pound = 373.24 grams

1 avoirdupois pound = 453.59 grams

How many grams in a pound of meat?

Well, since grams to pounds are usually used for meat, it is best to start with this. It has to be clarified that the standard pound used around the world right now is the avoirdupois pound. According to the Traditional Oven, one pound of meat is equivalent to 453.59 grams.

1 pound of meat = 453.49 grams

How many grams in a pound of gold?

As for gold and other metals, both the Troy pound of the UK and the avoirdupois pound of the US are used in the market.

Following this, you must know that one Troy pound is equivalent to 373.24 grams while one avoirdupois pound is equivalent to 453.59 grams. This translates not only to gold but for all other metals.

How many grams in a pound of flour?

Pound is not typically used for flour and other dry ingredients like sugar but some brand labels in the supermarket use pound. As is the case, we also need to know this just in case.

According to King Arthur Flour, there are differences to this. For example, unbleached all-purpose flour will have 480 grams in a pound, a nine-grain flour blend will have 496 grams in it in a pound while the whole wheat pastry flour will have 384 grams in a pound.

Pounds (lbs) To Grams (g) Conversion Table

Pound (lb)Gram (g)Pound (lb)Gram (g)


The gram and the pound are not complex units of conversion to master. All you need to understand is that, there are two types of pounds and that they have different conversion values. However, the Troy pound is mostly used in metallurgy only and the rest makes use of the avoirdupois pound which is equivalent to 453.59 grams.

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