Heart Healthy Food to Please the Entire Family


This simple Indian Curry Meal is easy to prepare. Whether spicy or mild it is nutritious and delicious. You can easily make this a vegetarian treat as well.

When a family member of mine suffered a stroke last year I became aware of the importance of preparing Heart Healthy foods, not just for her but for my entire family. My misconception at the time was that most healthy foods were nutritious but lacked taste. I feared that I would be fighting a loosing battle especially when it came to pleasing the adolescents in the house.

Happily I was mistaken, and have learned that food can both be good for you and taste good at the same time. This Indian Curry recipe is truly a crowd pleaser that keeps them asking for more.

Green Lentils and Lamb Curry


1 lb. Lamb, cubed

1 Large Onion, chopped

2 Large Carrots, sliced

2 Large Celery Sticks, sliced

2 Tbsp Hot Curry Paste

2 heaping tbsp tomato paste

2 Cups beef or vegetable stock

1 Cup Green Lentils


1. Brown Lamb cubes in batches just until browned on all sides. If you use a non-stick pan there is no need to add any oil or fat.

2. Set lamb aside and drain any juices.

3. Sauté the onions, carrot and celery for 2-3 minutes.

4. Add Stock, lentils, curry paste and tomato paste.

5. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to a slow simmer. Cover and Cook 11/2-2 hours or until lentils are tender but not mushy.

6. Be sure to stir occasionally and add more stock as needed.

7. Before serving add more curry paste to taste

Serve with Basmati rice and Naan Bread (Recipe Below)

*If you make this dish too hot for some people’s taste, just stir in some yoghurt (balkan style is best) and this will dilute the spiciness.

*This dish is full of protein and low in fat. The green lentils are rich in vitamin A, most of the B Complex and minerals.

*Be sure to buy lentils that are clean, firm and unshriveled.

*To make this meal vegetarian, simply omit the lamb. I have served it many times this way as it is not always easy to find lamb where I live and we all still find it delicious.

Although it is easy enough to find packaged naan bread in many grocery stores, when I have the time I prefer to make my own.


(Indian Flat Bread)


2 Cups Flour

1/4 Cup natural yoghurt

1 egg, beaten

11/2 tsps baking powder

1/8 tsp baking soda

1/4 tsp salt

1 tsp sugar

1/2 Cup Milk

Vegetable oil


1. Combine all ingredients except the oil and milk

2. Gradually stir in milk until you have a soft dough

3. On a lightly floured surface, place dough and knead until smooth

4. Leave to rise in a lightly greased bowl for approximately 3 hours.

5. Cut dough into 4 parts

6. On a lightly floured surface, roll each dough section into oblong shape approximately 1/4 inch thickness

7. Preheat oven to 450 F.

8. When oven is hot, preheat cookie sheet for about 5 minutes. Remove from oven and place bread dough on cookie sheets. Brush breads lightly with oil

9. Bake 5-7 minutes.

This Bread is best served immediately but is still good after waiting or if reheated.

*If you have more dough than you need, you can also freeze some for future use.


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