The Different Types Of Coffee You Can Drink While Trying To Lose Weight


If we exclude water from the list because it is a vital source of life for humans, coffee is the second most popular and prevalent beverage in the world, coming in only behind tea. The tradition of drinking coffee is deeply rooted in many cultures, and to this day it remains a go-to drink no matter the occasion and many people find it really hard to skip their morning routine.

Coffee stands between you and dropping the few extra pounds you accumulated over the holidays, especially if you’re on a “trying to lose some weight binge.” As a result, we’ve put together some tips on how to combine your love of coffee with your attempts to keep active and healthy.

Just black for me, thank you

Now, coffee has shown itself to be quite efficient in preventing a series of diseases. From lowering the risk of getting cancer, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and a stroke to actually burning fat and losing weight. Yes, coffee on its own does not only keep you alert and helps your physical performance better during exercise, but also, coffee and its components speed up calorie burning.

The catch is simple, try drinking pure, black coffee. A clean espresso shot, maybe some brewed coffee with freshly roasted beans or Turkish-style coffee. But keep it clean, black and strong coffee might help you. Do not add anything, cut the sugar and try replacing it with natural sweeteners instead, like honey or stevia. Stay away from the high-fat milk or any toppings such as extra cream, chocolate chunks, or any other toppings. 

A healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner

It is really important during the day to have several well-balanced meals while trying to lose weight. While planning your lunch or breakfast, have in mind how to incorporate the usual cup of coffee you drink. Most people find it hard to drink their coffee without a muffin or their regular croissant, and that right there is the problem.

Coffee goes well with healthier food, such as oats, cereal, or a bowl of fresh fruit. Maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad idea to try making coffee at your home. You can find many useful tips at on how to prepare coffee at home, the many types you can go for, and even the “tools” you’ll need, like a grinder or espresso machine. 

Breakfast goes well with some regular black brewed coffee or Turkish-style one. Or you could try to replace your afternoon snack with a low-fat cappuccino and some honey. For lunch, try out a shot of ristretto or doppio, just to keep you going until the end of the day. And maybe skip the late-night coffee as the caffeine is disturbing your sleep. 

Buttered Coffee

Though it seems rich in calories and fats, the popularity of this type of coffee has exploded in the last couple of years. It’s a style of coffee made with some unsalted butter, brewed black coffee, and MCT oils, and serves basically as a breakfast replacement. 

The idea stems from the entrepreneur Dave Asprey and is called bulletproof coffee. His coffee is just another variation of this drink. The high fat intake and caffeine boost make you highly energetic during the day and give you a satiated feeling, so the need for food is lesser. Many cultures around the world have practiced this idea of buttered coffee, mostly in Asia and Africa, and it has long served as a way to keep you active. 

There are certain downsides, for example, it is low in nutrients and should be used instead of a snack rather than a whole meal. It also increases the chances of cardiovascular diseases because of the fat intake, but nevertheless, it lowers your hunger making it easier to stick to your diet. 

Beaten Coffee

It originated in India and is practically a homemade cappuccino like the one you get at your local coffee shop, the only difference being the way you prepare it. It’s called beaten as the process of making the coffee actually involves beating it with sugar and some water to create a kind of sticky dark brown texture.

While adding the milk, the frothy cream will rise on top and create a thick and delicious foam. The advantage of this “cappuccino” is the ability to control how much sugar you are adding, also you can use low-fat milk and it’s homemade which makes it always taste better. 

Coffee generally helps you have more energy and therefore stay more active. Whatever coffee of the mentioned above you go for, make sure to avoid all the additional toppings and sugar. Try almond milk or maybe coconut instead of your regular one. Also, make sure your coffee is always fresh (it is easier when you make it at home) since bad and old coffee can cause health issues. Anyway, whatever coffee you go for, it always goes great with almost every meal.


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