What is one of the greatest concerns for students living away from their houses for the first time? Food! Without a doubt, food and what they will have as a meal when they are left to themselves.
Is it possible to get takeout every day or is there a better alternative?
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Saviour at the End of the Day
Let’s face it, no one wants to prepare an elaborate meal at the end of a long, hard day. For most students, a day of study, research, pending assignments, and so much more – food is the last thing on their minds. So if we think about it a little, knowing a few quick recipes is like knowing top paper writing services when a deadline is at the door. It is absolutely essential for students and often is a saviour in emergencies.
Here are the top 5 quick recipes that make their way from a dinner table to favourite foods list in a matter of minutes:
1. Eggs
Easiest to prepare and rich in energy nutrients, nothing can beat a meal of eggs. The most basic forms are boiled or fried, but preparing eggs with a twist is one of the easiest things to do when there is a time crunch.
Roll it as a wrap or prepare the French toast, dipping slices of bread in eggs. Eggs are indeed a very versatile food item that is really easy to prepare and become a person’s best friend to satisfy their hunger pangs.
2.  Soup
It may not seem like much, but any food item and the broth from it can be the easiest and best way to a good, filling meal. The greatest advantage of soups – drink away! There is no time crunch involved when it is a food item disguised as a drink.
Source: loveandlemons
Throw in the favourite vegetables, a few pieces of chicken, and add a bit of butter for the last addition of taste. Soups can taste heavenly after a long, exhausting day and, in fact, prove to be one of the healthiest foods – filled with nutrients and minerals.
3. Salad
What can be better than a quick food solution than something that does not even involve turning the stove on? A few chopped veggies, a little dressing of mayonnaise, and a dash of pepper – a whole meal is laid out.
Conventionally, salads are meant to be on the side of something as they cannot be very filling. But when it comes to a quick bite in a hectic schedule, even a mouthful or two of veggies – chunks of chicken to add taste – can be enough to keep going.
4.  Noodles
A pot of water, a pack of noodles, a few chopped veggies, and a mix of spices – just these few items can prepare a filling meal of noodles. With instant noodles that can be made just by adding boiling water to a pack, noodles have become the go-to food for students.
Source: budgetbytes
The instant noodles, however filling, are not always healthy, and therefore, it is a good idea for students to have an idea of how to prepare a simple noodle recipe cooked at home. Something that can pass for lunch, dinner as well as a heavy evening snack.
5.  Sandwiches
The classic favourite and perhaps the best idea for a snack, sandwiches are the ultimate comfort food for most students. If we actually think about it, sandwiches are a very creative type of food. There is no limit to additions and variations when it comes down to the bread and ingredients.
You can add the number of bread slices as the hunger adds up, and the layers of filling are open to endless possibilities. A little bit of chicken, eggs, a slice of lettuce, and the add-ons that are available in the kitchen at that point in time. Sandwiches have always been a student’s best friend, be it for breakfast or midnight. So, this item definitely makes it to the list.
Quick-Bites and Health
More often than not, students get so involved in their daily schedule that they forget to take care of their health. But skipping meals day after day added up with long nights can never be a healthy life to lead. This is why it is always important to know a few hacks that will come in handy at the end of the long days. And what better options to have for food than the ones which do not even involve fire.
Good food is absolutely essential to lead a healthy life and keep up with daily activities. This is why students should always remember that the usual snack items that are stuffed in their cabinets must be replaced with vegetables from time to time. After all, they need to have their daily dose of nutrients and energy to keep going.
Author: Elizabeth Baldridge
Elizabeth Baldridge is a professional writer and content expert. Her experience with academic and professional writing has made her a trusted name on various platforms. She is an expert in the areas of thesis writing, business writings, and website content.