Some Amazing Foods Which Heal


Many scientists and nutritional experts are now reporting that there are hundreds of foods which have great healing and holistic properties in them.
Healing foods are really essential for sound health, and provide optimum nourishment to our body. Many nutritional experts recommend that we should daily eat healthy foods as they provide us all necessary minerals and vitamins required by our body for performing at the optimum level.

Several people get depressed, tired and even become sick as they fail to eat a regular healthy nutritious diet. They never care to substitute the good nutrition with vitamin pills, replacement meals or shakes.

Many scientists and nutritional experts are now reporting that there are hundreds of healing substances in foods which have great healing and holistic properties and help us in preventing diseases.

Healing diet? What is it?

A healing diet will have lots of water, fresh vegetables and fruits (their juices preferably from organic origins), healing foods, unrefined sea salts and healthy fats. Incorporating these food items in our daily diet and simultaneously avoiding the toxin-laden foods can assist us a lot in avoiding various diseases altogether.

The importance of fresh vegetables and fruits in a balanced healing diet cannot be discounted. There are loads of fibers and essential nutrients in these foods, which are vital for maintaining good health and promoting detoxification. Green leafy vegetables are also recommended as they contain many essential nutrients and chlorophyll required for supporting the body and purification of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the healing foods that are beneficial in certain diseases are:

  • Cancer: carrot, lime, garlic, lemon
  • Constipation: cabbage, almonds, cucumber, carrot, lettuce, lime, banana, corn, beet root, dates, cucumber, figs, soybean, raisins, spinach, potatoes, whole wheat bread or pudding
  • Cold and Cough:lemon, ginger, garlic, lime
  • Asthma: garlic
  • Acidity: coconut, grapefruit, groundnut, jaggery, honey, yogurt
  • Cholera:coconut water, bitter gourd, cucumber, onions
  • Arthritis:banana, apple, mango, garlic, cucumber
  • High Blood Pressure: banana, apple, garlic, lemon, lime, oats, psyllium husk, onions
  • Dysentery:carrot, banana, garlic, Indian gooseberry, groundnuts, jambul fruit, pomegranate, mango seeds,
  • Teeth & Gum remedies: fresh groundnut, lime, apple, pomegranate, onions, rind powder, spinach
  • Intestinal Worms:freshly ground coconut, carrot, papaya, pomegranate, tomatoes
  • Jaundice: radish, sugarcane
  • High Cholesterol:curry leaves, apple, garlic, lime, grapefruit, lemon, oats, raisins, psyllium husk, sunflower seeds, soybeans
  • Immune system:watermelon has large amounts of glutathione, which helps in boosting our immune system. It is also a rich source of potassium vitamin C and lycopene, which is a cancer fighting oxidant.
  • Heart Disease:carrot, cabbage, honey, asparagus, apple, onions, garlic, oranges, grapefruit, grapes, Indian gooseberry, lemon, lime, raisins
  • Impotency:black gram, almonds,
  • Inflammation:garlic, cherries, turmeric spice
  • Hemorrhoids or piles:bitter gourd, beet root, figs, onions, jambul fruit, radish, pigeon pea, lime
  • Kidney Stones:tomato, apple
  • High Blood Sugar:fenugreek, bitter melon
  • Peptic Ulcer: lime
  • Whooping Cough: onion, garlic
  • Acne/Pimples:lime, cucumber luice (application on face), lemon
  • Diabetes: bitter gourd, Bengal Gram, Fenugreek, Indian gooseberry, grapefruit, groundnuts, kidney beans, jambul fruit, lime, mango leaves, lettuce, soybean


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