Bodybuilding – How to Bulk Up and Get Big


In order to get ripped abs and a chiseled chest for the summer months, one must first bulk up and get huge during the winter months. Here’s how to get big.

Getting big and muscular is a simple equation of calories in versus calories out, in conjunction with a proper weightlifting program and clean diet. It is very easy to become “huge” without the use of anabolic steroids. Many professional athletes and bodybuilders have done it, and so can the average person.

Bodybuilding is a great way to get in shape and build muscle. Many people enjoy participating in this sport, especially those who have been able to achieve their fitness goals. You’ll need to remember, however, that it takes time in order to reach your goals.

Don’t let yourself be frustrated if you haven’t seen results in a couple of months because you are just going to have to give it some time and keep the motivation going strong. When you do find success, you will be surprised at how much stronger and more muscular you can become! 

Here’s how you can bulk up and get big.

Be Ready To Work Hard 

It takes a lot of hard work and determination in order to successfully achieve the looks that you want with your bodybuilding exercises. You’ll need to be dedicated to working out, eating the right foods, and of course, doing the right bodybuilding exercises in order to get the results that you want. 

But remember that nothing is achieved overnight. You’ve got to be willing to put in a lot of effort, so you can achieve your desired results. Everything can be achieved with the right balance of exercise and a proper diet. It may take weeks, even months. But eventually, in the long run, the results will be worth it. 

Once you have figured out how to achieve your bodybuilding goals, you will be able to see a drastic change in your body. 

The hard work here also doesn’t just mean the physical exercise per se. You’ll also have to work hard with researching and studying which exercises and equipment you’ll need. That can help lead you on the right track. For instance, you can also start by studying the benefits of trap bar deadlifts, so you can fully understand what they can do for your body.

How to Work Out to Get Big

The process of getting ripped is a simple two-step process. The first step in the process is working hard in the gym. A proper weightlifting program will involve working out as little as three days a week for beginners, and up to five days spent in the gym for more advanced trainees.

A great program to begin with for those just starting out is Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength. The program recommends beginning with important complex exercises in the first couple months of a beginner’s routine. Weight is added each week as the trainee becomes more and more comfortable with the exercises.

The most important compound exercises which every weightlifter should begin with are the bench press, the squat, and the dead lift. These three exercises are the most important exercises in bodybuilding and power lifting alike. Every workout routine should include them in some way.

Sample Exercise Routines

After a couple of months of mastering the compound exercises, while progressively adding a little weight each week, a new lifter will be ready to move on to a slightly more advanced three- or five-day routine. For most people, it would be best to start out with a three-day lifting routine.

A three-day weekly routine would be structured so that there is at least one day in between each workout. For example, Monday could be chest and arms day (centered around the bench press). Tuesday would be off; Wednesday could be legs day (centered around the squat). Thursday would be off, and Friday could be back and core (abs) day (centered around the deadlift), followed by the entire weekend off.

How to Eat Right to Get Big

There is a popular saying in bodybuilding: “Eat big to get big.” However, eating big does not mean eating unhealthy. A proper, “clean” diet will lead to the best gains in muscle, strength, and looks. This involves proper hydration as well as plenty of healthy sources of protein.

One thing that every bodybuilder must do is eat well. If you eat food high in protein, then your body can grow stronger and its metabolism will work better. You’ll find it easier to build muscle when you’re eating the right kind of food and this will also ensure that your weight gains are quicker. So, if you’re a beginner, then don’t just start eating fatty food. Instead, eat food with lots of protein. You’re not eating to get heavy in terms of fat, but in terms of your muscle.

The two most important food types that a bodybuilder eats are protein and carbohydrates. Protein functions as a source of nutrients that can be used to repair muscles, and carbohydrates serve as the fuel for workouts. It is vitally important that every meal includes a source of protein and a source of complex carbohydrates.

Healthy Sources of Protein

Healthy protein-rich foods are lean meats, fish, and dairy. Grilled chicken is a great sources, with up to 30 grams in a 3.5-ounce breast. Salmon is one of the best fish sources of protein, which also comes with healthy dosages of omega 3s. Milk, yogurt, and low-fat cheese will also provide the body with plenty of protein, as well as vitamin D and calcium, which can help speed up muscle recovery.

Healthy Sources of Carbohydrates

Good carbohydrates can be found in wheat bread and whole grain cereals. It is recommended that the bulk of your carbohydrates come from whole grains, as these take the longest to digest. Complex carbohydrates are good for you because they provide the body with a long-lasting source of energy throughout the day.

Final word

In summary, getting big and muscular is really just a simple combination of training hard and eating right. Aim for one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day in your meals, and continue to get in the gym every week. Patience and motivation are important. Rome was not built in a day, and your six-pack won’t be either.


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