Weight Loss and Emotional Eating


Many people feeling down about not being able to shed unwanted pounds may begin emotional eating to help cope with feelings of disappointment and shame.

Anyone trying to shed unwanted pounds might be well versed in all of the diet fads, pills, plans and advice out there. Long- term yo-yo dieters can quickly get drawn in to television commercials and internet ads about shedding pounds quickly, miracle diet pills, or any new weight-loss plan, and feel the distress when these things fail.

Most of these diets offer a lot of hype and no long-term results. The impact on a person’s metabolism is detrimental, as we know, and the emotional distress from repetitive diet failure is not to be taken lightly. Many people feeling down about not being able to shed unwanted pounds may begin emotional eating to help cope with feelings of disappointment and shame; further exacerbating the issue.

Emotional Eating

According to the Mayo Clinic, emotional eating often occurs when you feel at your weakest emotionally. Emotional eaters are often drawn to high calorie or sweet foods, making weight loss efforts quickly fade. The weight loss attempts followed by periods of emotional eating become a vicious pattern often occurring in more frequent cycles. Thousands of people experience this diet roller coaster.

Emotions often trigger over-eating, followed by feelings of guilt. New weight-loss attempts may be tried, but when they fail, the vicious cycle starts again. This unhealthy cycle of yo-yo dieting and emotional eating can cause more and more unwanted pounds over time.

Control Emotional Eating

There are ways to control emotional eating and healthy ways to shed unwanted pounds for good. However, there are no magic diet pills or weight loss plans that help shed pounds quickly without dedicated effort on your part. There is no substitute for healthy eating and regular exercise. These are the most reliable ways to lose weight and stay healthy.

When you experience weight loss setbacks, be kind to yourself. Anyone can have a bad day. The key is not to get stuck in brooding over the setback. If you binge or notice yourself becoming drawn to food for comfort, try keeping a food journal so you can really examine what you’re eating on a day to day basis. Write everything down no matter what it is.

Try not to obsess about food and what you can and can’t eat. Eat a sensible diet full of food that gives you energy and keeps you satisfied for a long time. If you start to head for a snack, ask yourself if you are really hungry or eating just to eat. If you are not feeling hungry, opt for a glass of water and a quick walk.

Win Over Emotional Eating

As you learn to cope in different ways and curb excessive eating, celebrate your victories! Find positive ways to reward yourself and stay on track. By finding ways to stay positive and reward yourself, you can also stay motivated and your new healthy lifestyle can be achieved and sustained.


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