How Many Quarts in a Gallon

How many quarts in a gallon and conversion

Unit conversions may not be considered important at first but to tell you the truth, basic knowledge on unit measurements and their corresponding conversions can come in handy in life at some points. For example, do you know how many quarts are in a gallon?

Think about this, you use quarts and gallons to measure capacity. Thus, knowing how many quarts in a gallon in vice versa can help you in instances when your grandmother would ask you to give her five quarts from the gallon of milk in the fridge or when your third grade sibling would ask you to solve a Maths problem asking how much soup was consumed in a pot luck where one friend brought four quartz and another brought eight.

See what I am pointing at? You need to know how many quarts are in a gallon!


Quarts to gallons conversion

What is a Quart?

The quart, standardly expressed in the abbreviation qt. is used as a unit of measurement for capacity. Internationally, there are three measurements for quartz depending on what is being measured: the dry quartz which is used for dry ingredients in cooking such as flour and baking soda, liquid quartz used in liquid ingredients such as milk, cooking oil and others and the imperial quartz used for both dry and liquid ingredients in the United Kingdom.

What is the size of a quarter?

One quart is equivalent to half gallon, four cups or two pints. According to Science Trends, quarts is the second largest unit of measurement for capacity. If a particular ingredient exceeds 10 quarts, it will be automatically converted to gallons.

See also: How many cups in a gallon?

What is gallon?

In the dictionary, a gallon is often defined as a large volume of something. It is considered as the largest unit of measurement for volume capacity. It is standardly expressed using the abbreviation gal. It is used in mainly in measuring liquid ingredients such as milk and others.

Like other units of measurement, there are also three types of gallons: the US gallon, the UK gallon and the imperial gallon. There are two important things to consider here. First, the imperial gallon is used as the basis for old British recipes. Second, the imperial gallon is just the same with the US gallon. The reason for this will be discussed in the next sections.

What makes a gallon?

Because gallons are expressed in various conversions depending on the type of gallon converted, it is said that there are four quarts in it and 1,128 fluid ounces on it. For liquid ingredients, one gallon is equal to 231 cubic inches or almost four liters.

Quart and gallon around the world

Quarts and gallons are mainly divided into three types: the US gallon and quart, the UK gallon and quart and the imperial gallon and quart. For example, the US gallon is made up of four quarts while the imperial gallon is made up of more than five quarts.

1 US gallon = 4 quarts

On the other hand, one imperial quart is equal to 40 liquid ounces while the US quart is equal to 32 fluid ounces. If we only revolve around these three types, the message is clear: the UK and imperial units are 20% bigger in conversion than their US counterparts.

1 imperial quart = 40 liquid ounces

1 US quart = 32 fluid ounces

This is important because it also tells you about how quarts and gallons are understood in terms of conversion in many parts of the world.

For example, Canada and countries in the Pacific such as Australia and New Zealand have already adopted the US gallon to quart conversion while the UK and its Commonwealth countries have adopted the UK and/or Imperial measurements depending on the use. For cooking, they usually use the imperial gallon and quart and in other things, they use the UK gallon or quart.

Why is US gallon different to UK gallon?

This section needs a little bit of history. According to The Calculator Site, the US gallon is actually a vestige of the obsolete British imperial system of measurement which was introduced in the Americas when the British colonial rule was in power. This one measures equates one gallon to 3.78 liters or 128 fluid ounces.

1 UK gallon = 3.78 liters = 128 fluid ounces

The US gallon came into existence when Queen Ann of the British monarchy decided that all liquid ingredients shall all be slumped under one metric system.

In the year 1824, the UK turned their back from the imperial gallon (which has the same measurement as the US gallon) and devised the UK measurement. In this, all measurements for volume, regardless of divisions between dry and liquid ingredients measures gallons as equivalent to 160 fluid ounces or 4.5565 liters.

How many gallons in a quart

According to Ask Numbers, one quart is equal to 0.25 or 1/4 gallon. Thus, if you need one quart of milk but it is expressed in gallons at the supermarket, you would automatically know which one to get.

1 quart = 1/4 gallon

How many quarts in a half gallon

Correspondingly, there are 2 quarts in a half gallon. This corresponds to the average amount of milk in two pound medium sized pound cakes.

1/2 gallon = 2 quarts

How many quarts in 5 gallons

For every 5 gallons, there are 20 quarts.

5 gallons = 20 quarts

How many quarts are in a gallon jug

The same standard of conversion is used for gallon jugs. For this, we are referring to one gallon is four quarts. This means that there are four quarts in a gallon jug.

1 gallon jug = 4 quarts

Quarts to gallon conversion

For you to further familiarize yourselves with quarts to gallon conversions, always remember that there are four quarts in a gallon. Here is a sample conversion table for you to follow.


You can also compare the UK quarts to gallon measurements using either dry or liquid ingredients. Through this, you could easily convert measurements for cooking and in buying liquid and dry products that you will use every day, especially in cooking.

Quart to gallon (dry ingredients)
UK quartUS gallon
Quart to gallon (liquid ingredients)
UK quartUS gallon



Conversion to quarts from gallons and vice versa yet again proves why it is important for us to know these things. These standards of measurement are functional in our everyday living. For example, in the United Kingdom, gasoline stations still use the imperial gallon or the same as the US gallon. Another example is the dry and liquid ingredients in the supermarket.

You first need to check the label if the product have US gal or US qt and conversely of UK qt or UK gal. Just imagine your annual milk chugging contest amongst your friends. If friend A has one US gallon of milk and you have one UK gallon of milk, you would have chugged almost six quarts of milk compared to only four quarts for him.

The bottom line here is that, you need these conversions because you do not know when they will come handy. More importantly, if you are into jobs and hobbies that require volume capacities all the time, these conversions are beneficial for you.

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