Factors Associated With Acne That Leads To Scarring


All kinds of stuff can have a troubling effect on your face, especially if you’re exposed to harmful factors. There are a lot of things that will most definitely blow your self-esteem like acne.

Acne is a skin-related disease that in certain points in your life affects almost everyone. Right now, there are no quick fixes for your acne problems, but your approach to acne treatments might be a challenge.

In the case that your acne turns into a scar, your best option is to seek professional help. INFINI Singapore is one of the known treatments to reduce the appearance of acne scars. You can learn more about INFINI through this amazing read.

If you’re happy to finally find a reliable way to attack your acne and also to regain your faith, read on because what you need to learn can easily turn your bad days into good.

Your Diet

Research has shown that eating foods containing a high level of carbohydrates may contribute to significant acne breakouts. To lower your acne, it’s worth remembering what you are eating and how reducing your carb intake is important to maintain your skin’s health.

The same can be said, as described previously, about milk and gluten, so try a diet that limits the intake of the said food components.

Frequent Facial Cleansing

Acne isn’t always attributable to poor facial skin health—and it’s not the remedy to scrub your face any further. Excessively washing your face may aggravate the problem, worsen the skin and remove natural oils. And while intense sebum manufacturing is valid for acne breakouts, it is only creating more problems as the removal of natural oils from your skin is a recipe for disaster.

Stick instead to a ‘natural’ daily routine in health care. Use a mild soap or cleanser on your acne-affected skin and warm water. Do not consider using freezing chilly or boiling water to make it worse on the acne-affected face.

The Medications You’re taking.

Acne can potentially be the product of side effects from other drugs that you are already taking. Talk to your dermatologist regarding the medications you’re taking as such may be the cause of your acne or pimple breakout. The strength of acne breakouts is increased by drugs containing corticosteroids, testosterone or lithium.

Your Hormonal Levels

If you get past the age of puberty, you will usually get acne, which is due to hormone changes in your body. Many children undergo a reduction and even completion of hormone agent acne as they gradually become teens and young adults.

Hormone levels affecting women can also cause acne. More androgens are released when they bind to the receptors in the sebaceous glands. This can lead to oily skin which can lead to acne. During the entire menstrual cycle, sebum output may alter.

Adult women may have higher levels of certain hormones (androgenic), which lead to sebaceous glands expanding and the sebum output. Excess oil on the skin and dead skin cells can also obstruct the pores of the skin and release acne. Set an appointment with your doctor for blood testing to find out if this is valid. Any medical treatments for this issue, such as a pill or other contraceptives, may be prescribed.

How To Treat Acne Scars?

Acne is a skin-related condition which in one phase of life affects virtually everybody. Of course, not all are acne-like, with some dealing with far worse breakouts than others even if that might be the case. In these situations, management and care are always far tougher.

If you still have acne, this might sound familiar– and even though you have tested out all of the creams, potions and lifestyle advice there from time to time, you still have this skin issue. Luckily, we’ve gathered some acne scar treatments that can help solve your skin issues in a snap.

1. Subcision

This is an operation that smoothes the skin with depressed skins. The scar tissue is broken down, and a needle lifts the scar. Since the treatment is a surgical procedure, it tends to be the least chosen treatment, especially for patients who are too afraid to go under the knife.

2. Laser treatment

A non-invasive procedure, in which the skin is subjected to high-energy laser beams. This removes the outer skin layers and heats the skin and facilitates regeneration.

3. Punch Excision

This treatment can be called a “copy and paste” procedure. That is the case since the dermatologist will have to cut or remove the affected skin area and replace it with a smoother skin which also comes from you. The treatment is also invasive, so it’s not advisable for those who can’t take surgical procedures.

4. RF Microneedling

This is contrasted with laser therapy, except that the radio frequency is used in the use of microscopic needles instead of lasers. This channels the energy to particular locations.


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