Useful Tips For Moms On How To Relieve Breast Engorgement


Breast engorgement is a natural thing that mothers experience. This happens when milk secretion becomes slow, or if your baby doesn’t feed well enough on the breast. The blocked milk ducts present in the breasts are the main cause of this condition.

You can feel pain and soreness if this occurs to you. You might also feel heavy, swollen, and ultimately helpless. Fortunately, there are things you can do to ease the symptoms of engorgement. Check out these useful mom tips on how to relieve breast engorgement:

Try Pumping Your Breasts

If you are finding it difficult to nurse your baby the entire time, you can use a breast pump to help stimulate milk flow. Whether you want to relieve the symptoms of breast swelling and engorgement, or if you just want to get things moving in your breasts and produce milk flow,  pumping can be an effective solution for you.

You should opt for a manual pump if your goal is to induce letdown so your body will begin producing milk faster than it already does naturally. It’s best to do this process twice daily for 10 minutes each until your breasts stop feeling engorged. You can also opt for an electric pump if you’re currently using one, but make sure it is the right size for your nipples first before using it.

Make Sure You Are Well Hydrated

Drinking lots of fluids will help ease your symptoms, and also prevent the symptoms from worsening later on. The tenderness that mothers feel in their breasts when they have engorged breasts is often relieved by drinking lots of fluids because it produces milk flow or even prevents blocked ducts from forming. Breastfeeding can make a mother dehydrated quickly, so it’s best to keep a big glass of water beside you all day long while breastfeeding your child to maintain a healthy balance of fluid levels in your body. Make sure you also steer clear of alcoholic drinks during your breastfeeding period because it can dehydrate you even more and harm your baby.

Try Different Breastfeeding Positions

When you breastfeed in a comfortable position that works for both you and your baby, it’s going to make the session more efficient and beneficial for both of you. The most important thing here is to make sure each one of you is comfortable with how the process will go on before starting.

You can also do some research online or consult your friends or family members who have successfully breastfed their babies to get more information and advice on the best breastfeeding position to use for engorgement. Most women whose breasts are engorged prefer to use the ‘cradle hold’. This position is effective for mothers who want to nurse their babies without having too much pressure on their nipples.

Avoid Certain Foods

Your diet will play a vital role in your breastfeeding experience. You can either use your diet as an advantage to help you produce more milk, or take away the benefits of breastfeeding for your baby’s health because of poor nutrition.

Because of this, you must make sure you avoid certain foods and items like caffeine and alcohol while breastfeeding since they can lead to blocked ducts and other breastfeeding problems. You should also try to stay away from citrus fruits or anything acidic, too. Acidic foods may affect the quality of your breastmilk, which can be harmful to your baby in the long run if they’re exposed to it regularly.

Wear Comfortable Clothing

When you’re breastfeeding, you’ll need to make sure that your body is free to move around. It can lead to further pain and discomfort if your clothes are too tight or stiff on your skin, so it’s best to wear comfortable clothing when breastfeeding.

Loose-fitting shirts with baggy tops are perfect for this situation since they won’t rub against the engorged areas of your breasts, which will not only provide comfort but also ease any pain that comes along with nursing or pumping. You should also avoid wearing underwire bras since they can also cause blocked ducts if you start nursing with them on. The best option is to wear soft cotton bras that can allow your breasts to breathe.

Try Applying Warm Compress On Your Breasts

You can also try applying a warm compress on your breasts to help ease the pain and pressure that comes along with engorgement. All you need to do is saturate a clean cloth or towel with warm water (make sure it’s not too hot or cold) and place it over the affected area for 10 minutes.

Repeat this process 2-3 times daily until you’re feeling more comfortable, then allow both areas of your breasts to air dry completely before starting up again. You should always ensure that the compress is clean and not contaminated with dirt, dust, or anything else that can be potentially harmful to your skin.

Relieving breast engorgement can be achieved in several ways. However, you should always consult your doctor or pediatrician about the best method for breastfeeding when you’re suffering from engorgement to make sure that you’ve chosen the appropriate course of action. This way, you’ll be able to achieve long-term relief and positive results without risking the health of your baby


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