This Year Prioritize Your Health – 10 Tips To Start With


It does not matter how old or how young you are; you always need to prioritize your health. The good news is that any time is a good time to start prioritizing your health. Still, we mostly prefer to take this as a new year resolution and start with the beginning of the new year. 

Still, it’s just been a few days, so still, you can start your healthy living journey from this point. During the pandemic, many of us fell out from the healthy routine we used to follow. Do not worry when we are here to guide you with that. 

Tips To Start With Prioritize Your Health

Here, in this article, we have curated a list of things you can include in your routine to start your healthy living. All these tips are really simple and convenient to try. Now, let’s have a look at that. 

Tip 1: Put A Full-stop On Your Addiction 

Substance abuse.

Yes, you need to put the same full stop after your substance abusive nature. Your addiction to alcohol on drugs or alcohol is killing you from inside. As a result of that, you are not only suffering from physical health conditions but also from mental and emotional turmoil. 

We know you can not do it all by yourself. It is best to enroll yourself in an addiction recovery treatment program. Your treatment will start with detoxification. This is one of the most crucial phases of addiction recovery. That is why we will suggest that you get help from VSM Detox.  

Tip 2: Increase Healthy Portion In Your Meals

When we are served large food portions, we end up eating more. Eating can be an automating behavior; that is why you need to control the size of your portion at the very beginning and take the first step to a healthier nutritious choice. 

Here are some tips for you. 

  • Understand serving size vs. portion size. 
  • Focus on the quality of food.
  • In order to determine serving size, use visual cues.
  • Try new healthy recipes.
  • Eat mindfully and remember to enjoy your food. 

Tip 3: Make Proper Sleeping A Priority

For your good health and overall well-being, having adequate amounts of sleep is crucial. Sleeping is the time when our body takes rest and works on healing all those internal injuries. Sleep impacts not only our mood but also our immune system, our risk for severe medical illness, and our weight. 

Follow these basic tips. 

  • If you can not sleep, get out of bed.
  • Relax before bed.
  • Limit the use of caffeine.
  • Follow a regular bed and wake up time. 
  • Be physically active. 

Tip 4: Do Something New Every Month

New experiences can be exciting and scary at the same time. Still, overcoming your fear, nurturing your curiosity, and embracing your strength will help you reap the benefits of personal discovery and growth. 

Try out the following tips. 

  • Find the fun. 
  • Leverage your strength.
  • Build on past successes.
  • Overcome your fear. 

Tip 5: Include Strength And Flexibility Training

When it comes to preventing injuries, improving performance, and achieving personal fitness goals, strength, and flexibility aid, for a healthier tomorrow, you must invest some time in your fitness and exercise. 

When we reach the age of 30 years, we start to lose around 10% of our lean muscle mass every decade. Thankfully, it can be counteracted with a routine of regular strength training. Follow these tips. 

  • Consider dynamic vs. static.
  • Quality, not quantity.
  • Proper technique is the key. 
  • Warm-up beforehand.
  • Get help for recovering from injuries.
  • Explore resistance options. 

Tip 6: Remember To Laugh Every Day

As per research, in 4 health dimensions, laughter provides health benefits. They are as follows. 

  • Physical: Promotes healing, boosts the immune system, helps us cope with severe illness along with promoting an overall sense of well-being. 
  • Intellectual: Boosts self-assurance, excitement, and cheerfulness; increases imagination, creativity, and intuition. 
  • Emotional: By offering a positive way to view problems reduces stress.
  • Spiritual: Universal language, which fosters compassion and connection. 

Tip 7: Invest Time With Your Family And Friends

Having family and close friends has a lot of health benefits. During tough times, in order to destress, a support network can be critical. Along with warding off loneliness, it increases the sense of self-worth as well. 

Some useful tips.

  • Focus and reflect on relationships.
  • Time invested in friendship can actually pay off for your health. 
  • Be active and spend more time with those you care about outdoors. 
  • Avoid those people who drain your energy. 

Tip 8: Have Adequate Amount Of Water

On the basis of your activity level, health, and where you live, you need to drink an adequate amount of water. Each and every system in your body requires water. Along with carrying nutrients, it also flushes out toxins and moisturizes throat, nose, and ear tissues. 

Follow these useful tips.

  • Exercisers require extra water, 
  • Humid and hot water needs more water.
  • After exercise, keep replacing fluids.
  • If your urine is light yellow or clear, you are generally hydrated. 
  • With each meal, drink one glass and one between them. 

Tip 9: Find A Quiet Place And Take 10 Deep Breaths Daily

By saying quieting your mind, we mean you need to be non-reacting. It is not about eliminating emotions or problems but rather cultivating a healthy response. It needs daily practice and a proper sense of exploration. 

The tips are here.

  • Practice the “just do it” principle and smile.
  • In case your mind wanders, just notice and return to breathing. 
  • Breath deeply 10 times without thinking about anything and notice your experience. 
  • Be in silence by not doing anything for at least five minutes a few times a day. 

Tip 10: Go For Preventive Health Screening Regularly 

Regular health screenings are a must as a part of your health care. The results offer a snapshot of your health along with revealing opportunities in order to make some healthy changes. Here are some basic screenings you must opt for. 

  • Immunizations.
  • Digital rectal exam, only for men.
  • Prostate-specific antigen for men.
  • Pap testing for women.
  • Mammogram for women.
  • Colorectal cancer screening.
  • Lipid screening.
  • Diabetes screening.
  • Hypertension screening.
  • Annual physical. 


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