Top 8 Tips For Preparing For Pregnancy


Becoming a parent is one of the most exciting and joyous moments in life. The first time that you see and hear your baby is a memory that you will never forget. However, what is so often not seen by those around you as you become a parent, is the journey that you have taken to that special moment.

For some, the road is long and starts with a search for the best fertility clinic like Cryos International to help in combating their fertility issues. No matter where your road to becoming a parent has taken you, we are here to give you some advice as you set out on your journey with our top eight tips for preparing for pregnancy.

1. Talk it out

Becoming parents may have always been a part of your long term vision, and something that you have always had in the back of your mind as something that you would do in the future.

When your future becomes your present, and it is time to start making serious plans to become parents, it is important to have an honest and open conversation about your feelings and expectations. Pregnancy and becoming parents requires support and communication, so it is vital that you establish this early on.

2. Plan it out

There will be many stages as you move through your pregnancy, and it is important to have a plan for each one in order to limit the stress that may result.

3. Be prepared for the unexpected

As with any natural cycle and any event in life, the best laid plans often go awry. With this in mind, it is important to keep a calm and open mind, and to expect that there will be changed and unexpected events along the way. There is nothing that you can not overcome and deal with in your pregnancy, so try to keep an open mind and a smile.

4. Vitamins and supplements

Do some research into the vitamins and supplements that are recommended during pregnancy. According to Dr Gudi from Fertility Plus, many women need to take an iron supplement, and others opt for an all round multi-vitamin. Get the advice of your fertility specialist or doctor well ahead of time and remember to keep appointments in order to benefit from frequent monitoring.

5. Get fit and healthy

Your physical health has an impact not only on your ability to conceive, but also your mobility as you move through your pregnancy. Walking regularly is a great way to build fitness and also encourages you to go outside which is good for your mental health, too.

6. Eat healthily

A well balanced diet that is free from alcohol and excessive salt and saturated fat will help to create a good level of overall health in preparation for pregnancy. It is a good idea to stick to organic meats as these tend to be free of the hormones commonly found in processed meats. Opt for fresh food when you can. Oily fish is also another good form of protein and fat.

7. Read and research

There are plenty of books out there that will give you advice and reassurance as you head off on your fertility and pregnancy journey. Whether you favour an e-reader or ‘the real thing’, be sure to have a few different titles to refer to.

8. Buy a pregnancy diary

You will be glad of the memories once it is all over! Plus, it is also a nice thing to share with your child later in their life.


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