When Will I See Finasteride Results?


Along with Minoxidil, Finasteride is one of only two scientifically proven medications to help men combat hair loss. Although Finasteride begins working immediately after application, it will probably be several months until you notice any tangible results. Therefore, to help you understand exactly how long it takes for Finasteride to work, we’ve put together this handy timeline, so you know when to expect results. 

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One day 

Immediately after you have taken your first tablet, Finasteride begins its work on your hair. The primary role of the medication is to inhibit the production of DHT, which is the hormone that is responsible for what is known as male pattern hair loss. Such is its success, Finasteride is known to reduce DHT levels in the body by as much as 70%.

After just one day, your DHT levels will decrease, and you will have successfully taken your first step towards preventing your hair loss. That being said, one dose of Finasteride alone is insufficient to have any tangible, long-term effect on your hair loss as it takes time to build up in your system and impact on hair growth..

A few months

You might well start seeing some positive results of your Finasteride treatment after a few months of taking your tablet each day. Although it typically takes half a year to see significant improvements in hair loss, noticing signs early on is an encouraging sign that your treatment is working. For most people, the early signs of success come in the form of a slowed recession or thickening up of your hair. It is important to note, however, that Finasteride doesn’t guarantee hair growth – it works in 90% of men at stopping hair loss, with increased hair density & regrowth seen in over 60%. The main aim is to stop hair loss, with any regrowth being a bonus. If you don’t see the results you had hoped for after a few months, don’t throw in the towel! It takes time for Finasteride to work its magic and missing a few days here and there can have a big impact on your results.

One year

As we’ve alluded to, hair loss treatment isn’t something that can be successful overnight. But the potential of success makes the long game very much worth it. Approximately one year after ingesting your first tablet, your DHT levels will have significantly decreased, and your hair loss should have slowed considerably or may have even stopped altogether. You can review our testimonials page to read some real-life examples of the Finasteride process after one year. The easiest way to tell if your treatment is working is to take some pictures at the start of your hair loss treatment and periodically take photos (say, at 6 and 12 months) for comparison.

But this isn’t the end of your hair loss journey – continuing consumption into the future is critical for maintaining the hair loss improvements that you’ve achieved up until now. Remember – treatments such as Finasteride only work for as long as you take them. Halting your dosage will cause your DHT levels to increase, and your hair loss will start again over time.

When it comes to seeing results with Finasteride treatments, consistency and patience are critical to your success. Evidence shows that combining Finasteride with Minoxidil can improve your chances of seeing the results that you desire. Are you ready to combat your hair loss? Browse through our different treatment plans today.


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