Safe And Effective Ways To Prevent Unplanned Pregnancies


For many people, pregnancy is a happy, anticipated event. Unfortunately for others, this is not the case. In some cases, an unplanned pregnancy can cause all manner of issues, from not knowing how you will support the child to even a break up of a relationship. Therefore, the best option to prevent the unknown is to use contraception. However, with many varieties of birth control, how do you know which are safe and dangerous to your health?

What Is Birth Control?

Birth control is a reliable and safe way to prevent pregnancy. Various types of birth control are available, such as the contraceptive pill, intrauterine devices, implants, injections, and condoms.

Some of these methods are reversible, while others need to be permanent. When it comes to unwanted pregnancies, you can even find emergency contraception, sometimes known as the morning-after pill. As the colloquial name implies, these are taken the morning after and act to stop a pregnancy from beginning to occur due to it blocking your body’s ability to release an egg. 

Select A Contraceptive Method Based On Your Individual Needs

Different contraceptives have different impacts on your body and can be used for various reasons, such as preventing pregnancy, managing menstrual cycles, controlling acne, or managing other conditions. It would be helpful if you talked to a medical professional before selecting a contraceptive. Make sure you are aware of the pros and cons of each form of contraception to ensure that it will be effective for you.

Permanent Methods

There are permanent birth control methods for both men and women and require a surgical procedure that you cannot undo. This is not reversible after it has been done, so it is essential to think about which decision will work best for the person’s family planning needs before deciding on this type of birth control method.

  • Tubal Ligation: This surgery blocks the fallopian tubes. The procedure is permanent and can be done in a doctor’s office or hospital. Tubal ligation is one of the most effective forms of birth control, but it does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The surgery itself usually takes about 30 minutes, but there is some recovery time involved.
  • Vasectomy: A vasectomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting, blocking, or tying the tubes that transport sperm. Sperm cannot get into the semen due to this, resulting in male infertility. A vasectomy is considered to be irreversible and permanent birth control for males.

Reversible Methods

The following contraceptive methods are not permanent and can be reversed if you change your mind later on.

The Pill

Birth Control Pills are medications that are taken to prevent pregnancy. Birth Control Pills can contain two types of hormones: 

  1. Estrogen.
  2. Progestin. 

There are two common forms of the pill:

  • The combined pill (Progestin-Estrogen): The Combined Pill is a type of oral contraceptive. It is made up of two hormones – progestin and estrogen. Progestin prevents the ovaries from releasing eggs, while estrogen thins the uterine lining.
  • Progestin-only birth control pill: The progestin-only birth control pills are a type of hormonal contraception that reduces the side effects that are often caused by estrogen. It is an alternative for those who don’t want to get pregnant or are afraid of getting pregnant. The drug is not affected by factors such as weight, smoking, and age. They also have less severe side effects than the combined oral contraceptive pill and can be taken continuously without worrying about additional doses.

The difference in the type of hormone affects how well they work, their side effects, and their cost. There are different birth control pills available, which may have different levels of hormones depending on the person’s weight, age, and medical history. Birth control pills may also contain other ingredients that may help with menstruation or acne. They can be obtained at pharmacies or have a prescription from a health care provider such as a gynecologist or primary care doctor.

Intrauterine Device (IUD) 

IUDs are small, T-shaped plastic devices that doctors insert into uteruses to prevent pregnancy. The effect of the implant is immediate and can last for up to 10 years. IUDs come in two types:

  1. Copper: Copper IUDs don’t contain hormones and work by stopping sperm from reaching an egg.
  2. Hormonal: Hormonal IUDs work by releasing the hormone progestin, which changes the lining of your uterus, making it difficult for an egg to settle on the uterine wall.

Track Ovulation To Avoid Unwanted Pregnancies

A woman doesn’t need a partner to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. She can track her ovulation time and use natural family planning or other contraceptive methods to prevent pregnancy. Using an app or device to determine when she is most fertile is the most common method that women use to track their ovulation. This will allow her to know when it is safe for her to have unprotected sex or if she should abstain from sexual intercourse.

Use A Condom

This is perhaps the most straightforward, safest, and affordable option out there, and it typically has the best success rate. Furthermore, it can prevent STIs and other nasty infections. The humble condom is arguably the best birth control; method currently existing, in part to its ease of use and availability. It is incumbent upon the man to use these devices and to keep them on for the duration of intercourse.

Sex Education

This is the safest method for preventing unwanted pregnancy and the most effective if done correctly. Sex education should start at home. A culture that promotes open communication can be the best way for kids to learn about sexuality in all its facets. Parents should be willing to answer any question their child has without making them feel ashamed or embarrassed. Sex education programs typically teach students about various topics such as reproduction, STIs, birth control, puberty, and healthy relationships.

Unplanned pregnancies can have severe consequences for the health of both mother and child as well as the relationship between family members. By utilizing some of the birth control methods discussed in the post, you should find yourself able to enjoy intercourse without worrying about pregnancy. Just be aware that only a condom will prevent both pregnancy and STIs.


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